Lanyu (also called orchid island) is becoming a hot destination for tourists. Ten years ago, very few people mentioned Lanyu as a touristic place because the transportation from Taiwan to the small island Lanyu was quite inconvinient. Indeed it was a disavantage for the tourists, and because of that, all the precious species of insects, and other animals, have been preserved very well. Lanyu is south east of Taiwan, merely 41 sea miles away from Taiwan, and 80 sea miles from Batan, the further most north island of the Philippines. Although Lanyu belongs to Taiwan now, it actually used to be in a way closer to Batan. Anthropologically, Lanyu people might be of the same origin as the Batan people. Although have been separated from each other due to political issues for over two hundred years, 60% of the language is still the same. They could communicate with each other. In their oral history, it is said that they used to sail the pacific ocean to trade (no passport required). The aborigines of Lanyu called themselves "Ta-O", are famous for their sailing skills and elegant canoes.

Don't worry, I am not going to mention all the details of the hitory of Lanyu. I am not an anthropologist, as you may know. I am merely a photo addict, beer lover. The reason for me to visit the island was simple: I have always wanted to take some photos for an exotic place like this, although we are the same nation.